Monday, July 19, 2010

Fundraising worries

We are three weeks away from the fundraising deadline and still have more than 50% of our funds to raise.

I hope we make a lot of money at the pig roast.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mood much improved!

Today I went to the marathon group training instead of the triathlon training, which was only a 60-minute run on the lakefront. I do not like driving all that way just for a 60-minute run, plus they're shooting Transformers 3 on Michigan Avenue, and just thinking about traffic gave me a headache.

I ran the whole way (a little over 7 miles) with one of the coaches, Mark. I felt so much better being around people that I know! I chatted with one of the other coaches, Dick, and a PT from Athletico, Meg. It was enough to re-energize me and get me excited about being with Team in Training again.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Continuing to move forward

It's been a while since I've updated the blog. This is for a few reasons: 1) I doubt anyone is reading it; 2) I've been insanely busy.

Training is moving forward at a steady pace. I have to say, there is a bigger difference between triathlon training and marathon training than I ever guessed. For instance, I almost feel like I'm ready for the triathlon. I'm swimming well over a mile at every swim that I do on my own. Biking seems to be no problem. I'm bored. I'm frustrated. I'm running more than is on the schedule because I feel like we're not doing enough. This weekend's group training is a run clinic. A RUN CLINIC. I don't need a run clinic!

What I NEED is to learn how to transition. I need to be doing more swim/bike/run workouts. So I think I'm going to start doing those on my own. I already rode my bike to the pool last week, maybe this Friday I'll bike again and then do a short run afterwards.

Honestly, I just feel like I've gotten as far as I'm going to get with each individual event. I need to be swimming in the lake, and I need to be doing more combined workouts.

In other news, I've made a ton more bookmarks, and they are selling pretty quickly. People are stocking up for Christmas. I sold half of the ones I made this weekend, so I'll be spending a bit of time tonight creating new ones!