Friday, June 25, 2010

Swimming Rocks

I haven't posted in a while because I've been very busy getting scuba certified and working, and haven't gone to any group trainings. Matt has, but I write the majority of these updates.

After not properly swimming in two weeks, I hit the pool tonight. Wednesday's workout was cancelled due to the huge storm we got. The power was knocked out at the facility where we swim. And then last night we went to Westmont, but they changed their summer hours without updating the website.

But tonight was a success. I went in and had a bit of a panic because after three weeks of scuba and snorkeling, my body now thinks it can breathe underwater. I really had to struggle to control my breathing so that I didn't take a breath. How weird is that? I went from being terrified to breathe with a snorkel to having to think about NOT breathing underwater!

Anyway, I swam 46 laps tonight, which equals 2300 yards. There are 1760 yards in a mile ... you do the math. I felt great! I did the last 12 laps all in a row without stopping - and all freestyle! I think I've really found my rhythm, and I don't even have to think about it anymore. It's just all muscle memory now. Love it!

I'm very confident that I can swim a mile. I'm confident that I can bike 24 miles, or whatever it is. I can run 6 miles no problem. It's putting them all together that still has me feeling very anxious. I was very tired after my swim tonight (and yes, I know I went way more than I'll do at the triathlon.) But even after splitting up my bike rides (I ride 10.5 miles to and from work every Monday), by the time I get home, my legs feel like wet noodles.

So, I know everyone hates brick workouts (where you start putting it all together) but I am really looking forward to that. In fact, I think ALL of our weekend workouts should be stringing at least two events together.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get up and go for a run with the marathon team. I miss them so much. I feel very disconnected to the triathlon team, and I don't even know the coach's name. I am having a very hard time feeling like part of the group, and I know that's because I've only been to two group trainings (because I've had other commitments). But still, I miss the camaraderie that I felt all through marathon training. I really, really miss my teammates, and I REALLY miss my coach Monica. :-(

Sunday, June 13, 2010

More training on our own this week

So, this week I swam on my own on Thursday, and Matt and I swam together on Friday. I am definitely feeling much stronger - the muscles in my back and shoulders are just popping out - it's so crazy. I could lift weights for weeks and not have the definition I already have from swimming!

And yesterday we did a bike ride together. We would have gone to the run clinic, but we think we've sat through enough run clinics to last a lifetime. And, since we ran the 5- and 10-miler today, we didn't want to do running yesterday, anyway.

We biked the Salt Creek Bicycle Trail from Bemis Woods on Ogden to the Brookfield Zoo north parking lot and back. In total, it was 12.58 miles.

The first half of the trip it just poured on us! We did see a deer about halfway through - it was just standing next to the bike trail! We were completely filthy by the time we got to BZ. Matt had gone on ahead (I was apparently going too slow around the curves for him, but hey - I get nervous!) On the way back, I decided to take it easy. After all, we had a race the next day. On the way back, I saw three more deer. One was grazing in a field, the second one stepped onto the trail about 20 yards in front of me, and the third one was grazing in the woods.

Since I was taking it slow, I knew Matt was probably about one half to one mile ahead of me. He'd been within sight until shortly before LaGrange Road, and I got stuck at the stoplight there. Then I got stuck at 31st Street for almost five minutes trying to cross (no light at 31st.)

So, when I got back, I expected to see Matt waiting at the car. But no, he wasn't there, and I realized - he must have forgotten that the trail splits at Wolf Road - you can either go left to Bemis Woods or continue west. I realized he must have forgotten, so I started back down the trail going very fast - I knew I'd have to try to catch up to him! How was I going to do that? But, when I was almost back to Wolf Road, here he came down the trail. I was SO relieved I wasn't going to have to try to catch up to him!

By the time we got back to the car we were both completely soaked and splattered with mud and various trail debris. I think I'm going to have to start keeping towels in the car, because this has been happening way too often since the winter! My poor car seats!

Anyway, the entire trip took us 63 minutes.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Second Week of Training!

This week was our second week of training. I biked to work on Monday, something I plan to do every Monday, but didn't make it home because of storms. Matt and I were on our way to a Memorial Day barbeque, so instead of Matt riding to meet me at the zoo on HIS bike as originally planned, he ended up driving and we put the bike on the bike rack.

I had to miss group swim this week because I'm in the process of getting scuba certified, and the class meets Tuesday and Wednesday for the next three weeks, but Matt went. He ended up getting a $10 donation from an anonymous club member at the pool!

I went swimming at Westmont High School last night to make up for no Wednesday swim. I did 26 laps and found that sidestroke is WAAAAAY easier for me than freestyle. I can do four full laps of sidestroke before getting the least bit tired, whereas with freestyle, I can go almost a full lap. ALMOST. I start having to lift my head up about halfway back because I just can't breathe. I guess swimming is not for people with asthma. I did time my swims, and one lap of sidestroke is only 7 seconds slower than one lap of freestyle, so heck with the freestyle - I'm doing sidestroke as much as possible!

Of course, that won't fly at group swim. Grrrrrrrr.

Today we got several donations. I think people felt sorry for me because I hate swimming so much. But thank you to Stacy, Pam, and Mike, because it really cheered me up. I was getting really down on myself with this whole not finishing the marathon, then struggling so much with swimming, and then having only ONE donation after two weeks of fund raising. And chlorine is SO GROSS. So those donations really did make a difference.

Tonight Matt and I are going to attempt to swim at the Westmont HS open swim. The guard last night said that they usually have one lane out for lap swims, so we'll see. It would be nice to get in another swim this week, since I'm supposed to be doing two per week. Of course, we were in the pool for scuba on Wednesday, so really this will be the third time this week I'll be in the pool. I've been in the pool more times in the last two weeks than I swam at all last summer, Florida included!